In my opinion, no one in the medical profession has reached infinity of thought. No one can claim authority over another's right to heal. By using herbs to heal, the very plants we walk alongside on the earth, we not only create empowerment within ourselves, but also identify and connect with dis-ease, allow it a swiffer passage for greater healing to be made".

Niki Senior - Master Herbalist. Excerpt from Journal Two, 2005.”
Niki J. Senior

Issue #8- Nature Submissions

Issue #8- Nature Submissions

First and foremost, thank you all so much to all those who submitted your work to be featured. You all are incredibly talented and we thank you for joining us on this journey.

To the audience, we welcome you on the epic journey through time and space. Through poetry, digital art, photography, and the unique makeup style’s of our artist we see the different themes of Nature.

Artist: Shiro Yuki

Instagram: @shirio_yuki_cosplay


Artist: Taylor Korenic

Instagram: @korenicart


Occult & Spiritual Relationship To Nature

Photographer: Emerald Boes

Instagram: @emeraldboesphoto


Thank you again to all the artists we hope you will submit again soon!

Tell us what you thought in the comments below and keep your eyes open for Issue #9 where the Emma, Emili and I will take on a comic style!

Don’t forget to ask Anonymia your questions! Can do so either by submitting a question directly here or commenting on the teams Social media posts about Anonymia!

Issue #7-Nature

Issue #7-Nature
