Engagements Before Diplomas
Okay friends, there is something that I really want to talk about right now. Originally I was going to respond to all the critics about the movie Captain Marvel, all the positive reviews and the hate they were getting but something else has me very triggered. Firstly, I state that I completely support young love. I found my soulmate at 15 years old and have been with him since, I am now almost 21. But there is something about the younger generations that is too frustrating not to address. YOU CAN LOVE SOMEONE AND NOT HAVE TO MARRY THEM IMMEDIATELY.
I know, what a shock. People will take your love seriously when you take it seriously. All of these children who are getting engaged before they are even out of high school is ridiculous. They are publicity proposals, it's awful. It is ruining the sanctity of marriage for the rest of us. You get engaged because it will go viral then you break it off weeks later. It’s a vicious cycle. People are using the pure moment of a couple agreeing to spend their lives together forever as a way to get likes and follows.
These kids, and yes I say, kids, have no idea what the real world is like. Relationships require a lot more than love. I am 20 years old and have been with the same guy since my sophomore year of high school, we are celebrating our 6th year together in November. He has been in my life for over a quarter of my life and we aren’t engaged yet, and THAT'S OKAY! I have no doubt in the love we have our the future we have planned. I have friends who got married right after high school who have a strong and wonderful relationship and even some kids! But what have we all done that’s different than the kids who are all married up now? We took our time, rather than rush into something that will later lead to the fall of the relationship, we took time to experience life together and let the love grow organically.
It is said that to have a functional and healthy relationship it must go in this order, Respect, Trust, and Love. You must Respect each other in order to trust each other, and through that, your love will grow without any effort. Love should be easy and hard. These kids only know easy. For god sakes, PROMISE RINGS ARE PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE FOR WHAT YOU ARE FEELING. An engagement is a very serious commitment that should be respected as such.
I am not the type of person to put anyone down for the decisions they make or who they love. But there comes a point when the concept of love is created only for a social media persona that things need to change. Be who you are, because the real you is much more beautiful than the person you created to get followers and likes and slow down, as cliche as it sounds you have your whole life to live and don’t need to use the love you have with someone as a publicity stunt.