Want to relive a childhood favorite? Follow this guide to go back to the good ol’ days of the early ’90s and experience Halloween the way you did when you were a kid.
"In my opinion, no one in the medical profession has reached infinity of thought. No one can claim authority over another's right to heal. By using herbs to heal, the very plants we walk alongside on the earth, we not only create empowerment within ourselves, but also identify and connect with dis-ease, allow it a swiffer passage for greater healing to be made".
Niki Senior - Master Herbalist. Excerpt from Journal Two, 2005.”
― Niki J. Senior
Want to relive a childhood favorite? Follow this guide to go back to the good ol’ days of the early ’90s and experience Halloween the way you did when you were a kid.
I decided to explore the dark side of the Vacationland and walk in the footsteps of The King of Horror himself. I placed myself in the locations that Stephan King, based his original 1989 cult classic Pet Semetary.