An Innocent Girl
The place we escape to dream.
A place that knows no bounds.
The world at our demand.
He is there.
I think I love you,
A weight crushes my body.
Breath hot burning my neck,
Sweat drippes over my eyes.
The taste of dirt and sand
Poisons my mouth.
My body limp,
My mind fades,
Is this love?
With each thrust
It hurts.
I slow my breath.
I stop fighting.
Whispers flood my ear,
Hush now, I am almost done.
The sound of a metallic zipper
Cages the moment
Ache and pain settles deep,
Blood and tears pour from my body.
I’m done with you.
My heart struggles to find a beat.
My soul tainted, my mind screaming.
My body broken, and my innocence forever stolen.