An excerpt from an incredibly talented lady, Ava Tolmasoff: “The Way Of The Water”
Her soul always empty
Always feeling like
Something is missing
Like something’s gone
And wants to find it.
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"In my opinion, no one in the medical profession has reached infinity of thought. No one can claim authority over another's right to heal. By using herbs to heal, the very plants we walk alongside on the earth, we not only create empowerment within ourselves, but also identify and connect with dis-ease, allow it a swiffer passage for greater healing to be made".
Niki Senior - Master Herbalist. Excerpt from Journal Two, 2005.”
― Niki J. Senior
All tagged Life
An excerpt from an incredibly talented lady, Ava Tolmasoff: “The Way Of The Water”
Her soul always empty
Always feeling like
Something is missing
Like something’s gone
And wants to find it.
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Enscripted flowers, animals, and angels inhabit the stool beneath me, as well as the outer edges of the table. The table rests in an enchanted garden. It is wide and open, sloping gently down to a cosmic-blue river. By day, the garden is washed by the sun, giving it a golden glow.
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